PROVISIONAL RESULTS for the financial year ended 30 June 2022

PROVISIONAL RESULTS for the financial year ended 30 June 2022

Salient Features


  • Headline earnings for the year ended 30 June 2022 (F2022) decreased by 13% to R11 338 million or R57.87 per share (F2021: R13 064 million or R66.88 per share).
  • A final dividend of R20.00 per share is declared (F2021: R20.00 per share). In addition to the interim dividend of R12.00 per share paid on 4 April 2022, this brings the total dividend related to F2022 to R32.00 per share (F2021: R30.00 per share).
  • The acquisition of Bokoni Platinum Mine was completed on 12 August 2022. The purchase consideration of R3 500 million will be fully settled in early September 2022.
  • Net cash improved by R2 973 million to R11 175 million at 30 June 2022 (30 June 2021: R8 202 million).


  • ARM Ferrous headline earnings decreased by 16% to R6 682 million (F2021: R7 927 million) mainly as a result of lower iron ore prices.
  • ARM Platinum headline earnings decreased by 34% to R3 066 million (F2021: R4 666 million), largely due to a negative mark-to-market adjustment as a portion of the ARM Platinum receivables as at 30 June 2021 was subsequently realised at lower prices following the decline in rhodium and palladium prices.
  • Significantly higher export coal prices drove a R1 178 million increase in ARM Coal headline earnings to R928 million (F2021: R250 million headline loss).
  • ARM Coal loans owing to Glencore Operations South Africa (GOSA) were fully settled following a significant increase in operating profits at the ARM Coal operations.